Sunday 15 March 2015

Snakes and Ladders

Life is like a game of snake and ladder. You meet various kinds of people in your life. Some tries to inspire you and motivate you while others demotivate you. There are mainly two types of people: Snakes and Ladders.

At some point in your life you stop climbing up the ladder, you are in your comfort zone and are happy to continue there. You stop pushing yourself to go up the ladder. At these times there come ladders who force you to climb up. These are people who motivate you and convince you that you can do it. My husband and my mom had been the ladders in my life at every point in time, pushing me to do things which at that point in time I think is impossible. They had been my inspiration and role models. Ladders also include people who give constructive criticism.

These are people who continuously tell you that you are worthless. They try to de-motivate you, highlight your small mistakes and try to convince you that you are insignificant. But if you analyze such people you will understand that it is their own innate feeling of worthlessness that is forcing them to act this way. They cannot accept the fact that you are way ahead of them and it is their intention to pull you down. They even steps on you and drag you down to climb up the ladder.

How to deal with them?

Get inspired by ladders and climb up the ladder propelled by them. Life is short and there are lot of good things to be done within this short span. Try to be ladder to others and motivate them to reach the stars.

Ignore snakes; ignore their abuses as vibration of air particles. If you continue to be mute spectator to them, soon they would understand that their demotivating speech has no effect on you and they would stop by themselves.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And success in life also depends on how to convert the Snakes to ladders through our reaction. Its all about our perception. Some times the most disadvantage situation will force us to make Wonders..
